recently i can sms from a friend who is in Lubuklinggau mr.yadi kingkong aka funny old partner at work
Approximately Wednesday yesterday my place of his cousin kk yadi Tablet made in china really hear a foreign name, passport received its course almost desperate for his work on.but it works well 2 days thinkers thinkers on campus in room in the living room while bolsters bolsters.Okay constraints that need to be known very different from this tab by samsung1. Nothing menu to enter recovery mode.2. Firmware or OS of the tablet is difficult in looking because there was no official website or her contact person online.
Innate magical objects tab, among others1. Converter usb and lan card.2. Keyboard.3. Micro SD card.4. Pen is also available.
Magical objects used later1. Micro SD card. later used to copy all data as firmware and OS installation media.2. Converter usb / lan card. later used to connect the mouse because this tab needs to calibrate the touch screen (touch screen while the bottom line can not be used).+ A description of the OS that will be used.-The statement that I wrote above in point to 2 firmware or OS of the tablet is hard to find and there is no official website.* Her question: What do we know android OS tablet MID V7 fit for this?* Her answer: I also sempet confused but there are some that I know the Android OS has been customized and is universal for all tablets, among others.1. Modroid2. Uberoid3. Udroidand much more.* Question: if its universal nature certainly not all supported tablet right?* Her answer: yes true but there must be integration between hardware and software in order to communicate with each other and it takes drivers. Its drivers are in the directory "\ FirmwareInstall \ env" env_uboot file (the same like in the linux boot loader (grub) also read lhoo driver). Well env_uboot file later will be edited to customize the device used by the tablet.I studied flashing, to boot, and his surgery directory for 2 days I think this short time for a beginner, and maybe you can do it at home too.material into it:We will do 2 stages, the installation and calibration of the touch screen (touch screen because it does not want the road)
1. I will use Android you can download disini Modroid-v11-lite.
2. Connect the Micro SD card into your computer / laptop with a card reader
3. Extract Modroid who have downloaded earlier.
4. Still on the Micro SD card into the directory "/ env" and locate the file "env_uboot", open it with notepad (open with) and replace its code with the code below and save. (This is the code of the tablet Mid env_uboot V703)
setenv memtotal 212M
setenv mmcid 0
setenv lpj AUTO
setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip
setenv gatewayip
setenv netmask
setenv nandargs \
setenv bootargs mem=${memtotal} root=${filesystem-NAND_mtd} noinitrd rootfstype=yaffs2 \
rw console=ttyS0,115200n8 lpj=${lpj} ${android_bootargs} ${platform_bootargs} quiet
setenv nandboot \
nandrw r ${kernel-NAND_ofs} 0x1000000 ${kernel-NAND_len}\; \
if iminfo 0x1000000\; then \
run nandargs\; \
bootm 0x1000000\; \
setenv bootcmd \
run nandboot\; \
echo No kernel found
setenv logocmd nandrw r ${wmt.nfc.mtd.u-boot-logo} ${wmt.display.logoaddr} 10000\; \
nandrw r ${wmt.nfc.mtd.u-boot-logo2} ${wmt.display.logoaddr2} 40000\; \
nandrw r ${wmt.nfc.mtd.kernel-logo} ${wmt.kernel.animation.addr} 80000\; \
display init force\; \
decompanima -f ${wmt.display.logoaddr2} 0x3000000; \
decompanima -f ${wmt.display.logoaddr} 0x3000000
setenv wmt.display.logoaddr2 550000
setenv vt1603:f1:f2:ff:ff:100
setenv 100:0:2000
setenv wmt.display.logoaddr 500000
setenv wmt.kernel.animation.addr f600000
setenv wmt.eth.param 1
setenv wmt.gpi.bat [0:0:00020000:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104C0][1:0:00000020:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104C0][2:1:00010000:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000: d8110480:d81104C0]
setenv wmt.gpo.cmos 1:0:7:D8110040:D8110080:D81100C0
setenv wmt.gpo.wifi 6:1:6:d8110040:d8110080:d81100C0
setenv wmt.gpt.gsensor 3:8:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104c0:83000000:d8110300:8:d8110320:6
setenv 3:2:1000:db1:b6d:db1:d77:d3d:d03:cc9:c8f:c55:c1b:be1:ba7:b6d
setenv 1:3:4:0:1:1:-1:2:-1
setenv wmt.sys.keypad commonboard:1:rc_1:4:c0_73:c1_72:r0_9e:r1_8b
setenv 0
setenv wmt.pwbn.param 100:0:500
setenv 7
setenv touchic true
setenv touchirq gpio0
setenv touchcodec uor615x
setenv 1:uor615x:0:800:480
setenv wmt.bus.i2c i2c0:1:1:i2c1:1:1
setenv bootdelay 1
setenv wmt_ui_hibernation 1
setenv wmt_sys_powerhold 0
setenv wmt.gpo.vibrator 1:1:2:D8110040:D8110080:D81100C0:1
setenv 0:0
setenv android_bootargs init=/init
setenv platform_bootargs wmtvo=2:1:24:800:480:60
setenv wmt.display.param 2:0:16:0:0:0
setenv wmt.display.tmr 40000:0:10:46:800:20:10:23:480:10
setenv wmt.display.pwm 0:25:50:99
setenv panelres.x 800
setenv panelres.y 480
setenv 3 -17438 67608023 11859 10 -5362731 80387
setenv puzhi_7inch_uor615x
6. The process is waiting for quite a long wait was approximately 10 minutes.
7. When it is finished, and the words "PLEASE REMOVE INSTALLATION MEDIA" and no dosing process 100%, unplug it its Micro SD card. (if not removed then the installation process will take back)
8. The next stage you have to wait longer because it first and OS boot process is synchronizing / adaptation hardwre.
1. You must use Usb Converter her magical tool to connect a usb mouse with its tablet.
2. Yes you should see the champion had held his magical tools.
3. Go to the settings menu with the mouse input media (because its touch screen off).
4. And select Touch Panel Calibration.
5. Click the + sign with your nails as much as 5 times (4 pair of left and right corner and one in the middle)
Finish hopefully this article can help you too
3. Go to the settings menu with the mouse input media (because its touch screen off).
4. And select Touch Panel Calibration.
5. Click the + sign with your nails as much as 5 times (4 pair of left and right corner and one in the middle)
Finish hopefully this article can help you too